Lilly Cultivation VinEco and Onings Holland

In June 2019, the vice director of VinEco – Ms. Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo, visited the Netherlands in order to see and learn more regarding the value chain of flowers and plants as VinEco has the aim to diversify its assortment as well to flowers and plants. With the import of the lily bulbs from the Dutch supplier Onings Holland they started up their first flower cultivation. So with this project a start is made with VinEco’s diversification towards flowers and plants – VinEco flower.

VinEco, a member of Vingroup, aims to provide safe and high quality products including fresh vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, flowers and medicinal plants to the domestic market via its distribution channels VinMart supermarket chain, VinMart+ convenience stores and Adayroi online distribution channel. Currently the company has 14 farms throughout Vietnam in tropical and temperate climate zones where they are applying modern technology on large-scale open fields and modern greenhouses for best efficiency of production.

Onings Holland is a renowned exporter of bulbs and tubers. The Onings family business was established over 65 years ago and enjoys a strong reputation for quality and reliability. Besides being a top supplier of lily bulbs, Onings Holland is also a valued supplier of other bulbs and tubers such as tulips, irises, freesias, hyacinths, gladioli and a wide range of miscellaneous bulbs for both growers as well as dry sale purposes. The company sources the bulbs and tubers from carefully selected growers from around the world.

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